Wow Brady - he's quite the refined type no? I long for the day when he'll be working UNDER that african-american. No, even better: he'll be working under thay guy's WIFE!
Jeez Blake, make me sound like an a**. hehe. No, what really happened was everytime he killed me he called me a nigga, and I don't even think he is black. That's why I said that, but ah well.
If someone calls you a f***s***b****d*** liar, can you say it because he called you that? Otherwise at no time should I ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever see you write/say anything more than "n."
haha, true except for the piss part. I don't defend the use of it or use it myself, maybe sometimes when talking like a gay ignorant rapper.... the point is Brady doesn't take it serious when he says it, nor should he have to. Ebonics uses the word like its nothing, therefore they say it is and it is. nothing.
Chris are you black? The point I was making is those black people who can reach us the most, entertainers, rappers, and comedians don't care if they say the "n" word! A large proportion of black people use the word. Enough that the sensitivity to the world has been dulled and if Brady wants to say it to a person who has said it to him, already proving the word does not affend the person, then he can. I never made this an issue, I merely put up a quote. The issue would have been between Brady and the guy on HALO. Why is it your business to interject and prove your "moral" socio-political superiorority with your political correctness. Bravo Chris, bravo. PS. Chris if your going to be stupid when you come to my blog follow the advice of thumper. Say something nice (I'd even accept nuetral) or say nothing at all.
That was a bit presumptuous of you to assume I was stating my "'moral' socio-political superiorority with [my] political correctness," wouldn't you say? I'm not quite sure if you realize this, but sensitivity of the word has not been dulled down. I would prefer if no one said it at all, but if African-American people wish to say it, people will understand they are not using it in a racist way (unless they're the black white-supremacist from Chapelle's Show). But because of the words cultural history, if someone of another ethnicity says it, there is still (warranted or unwarranted) a sense of racially-charged undertones/connotation that comes with it. Like it or not, that is the case. In a perfect world we would not have double standards, but we do, so it is still inappropriate to say it. And not only does it offend African-Americans, frankly it offends me as well. This goes beyond being politically correct Blake, this goes into being respectful and showing dignity to something with such a hateful past.
You can rest on the crutch of handing off the blame to me getting on my moral high-horse, but such is not the case. For I will be the first to tell you that I have much to work on and I strive to get better every single day, so for you to call me into question like that is greatly overstepping your boundaries.
And finally, I like how every time you disagree with me on here, on my blog, or in real life, if I state my argument or defend my position, I'm accused by you of being "stupid, ignorant, illogical" and many other negative traits. To me that says one thing: that you have no or very little defense/response to what I am trying to say, so instead you rely on taking (errant) shots at my persona.
And one final thing: if the N word is allowable to say by anyone these days, please explain to me why the University of Oklahoma now has a new baseball coach.
I thought that blogs were places to comment on posts and talk about things but "but such is not the case." The thing is Chris in many occassions have I been called racial names by minority's who then turn and complain if I turn back on them using recipricated deragatoury BS. If you take every single sentence someone says and anylyze it for PC, for references to racist statements there wouldn't be a day that would go by with us being perfect. The context of what Brady said on HALO was to a person who used the word himself. I know I have to reiterate that point. Brady then apologized for when he posted the word on the internet. Another point. It is a word marked with hate. The sooner we dull that sword the better. The sooner we stop seperation and stop allowing people to be marked as this or that the better. The sword of racism is often ignorance. Let us know the history of the word, then let us use it freely scoffing at the stupidity of the past. Brady isn't a racist, don't take it out of context. And sorry Chris, I did get defensive , but that wasn't after your offensive remarks. sorry.
We should never "dull down" the word, we should eliminate it. Much the same way as we should eliminate words of filth, there is just no room for them in our (or anyone else's) vocabulary.
Secondly, just because a minority calls you an ethnic slur doesn't make your use of the N word or any other word justified. I think those that used the racial comment on you are in the wrong as well and hope that they understand that such is unacceptable and should be eliminated from speech as well.
I know this "elimination" of the word is impossible, but why not do our part to at least try? I don't know what kind of conversations you have, but I find it odd when a day goes by and I DO have a conversation with a friend where racial statements exist.
And you never addressed the OU baseball situation.
And stop making this about Brady, this hasn't been about Brady for almost a week now. Brady's use of the word brought up its significance on a larger scale. When I called him a bigot OF COURSE I did it satirically (sarcastically if you will) to prove a certain point. I know what kind of person Brady is and know that he does not intend to be or come across in that way.
What you can't ignore the situation in which the comment was made. You say we should eliminate it and then you say it's impossible. It is possible to take the word though and make it mean nothing. There are a lot of people who work through racial problems by coming out and saying look this means nothing, it's only bigots who use the word wrongly and there retarded. Many comedians address crowds hitting on every race, one in the end say that by joking about our differences we can become more able to get past those negative untrue stereotypes. Quit being a lock-down it only highlights the situation and the word. OU baseball? I don't follow sports very well Chris, I don't know the situation. You know how the devil constantly works to make light of serious sacred good things. Perhaps if we made light of these idiotic racial slurs then they would not carry importance. Thats the way I choose to deal with it. No I don't use the word because people can be affended.
I say that ALTHOUGH it is impossible to eradicate its use, WE SHOULD STILL TRY. I mean this much in the same way in my stance on drugs, pornography, and other evils; I know that they will always be there, but why not do our part to try to rid oursleves of them anyway?
You don't "joke" about things that carry so much hate with them, but instead work to EDUCATE others on the hatefulness of the word and why one should never use it. A lack of education is often what leads to such hate in the first place.
I don't think we should use comedians to govern how/when we should use a word. They say a lot of things that are "funny" but quite inappropriate.
The OU baseball situation is this: their LEGENDARY and AWESOME head coach stepped down under pressure (i.e. would have been fired) last week after making racially insensitive remarks (off camera even) about African-Americans, namley his use of the N-word. And he wasn't even meaning the degrade the player in question (see for more information). More proof that the hatefulness of the word is not gone.
Finally, I will close by asking you how challenging us all to get better and get rid of such bad language in our vocabulary is going on "lock-down." For some reason I cannot see our Church, political, or business leaders ever using such speech because of its sensitivity.
I just can't understand why you would want to continue to say or use such things to "dull them down." Isn't what our Church leaders say Satan has done with other evils of the world; dumbing them down to the point where our sensitivity to the matter is all but eliminated and we don't even bat an eyelash at something which should be absolutely alarming us. Please try to justify to me how using the word MORE would help hate to go AWAY.
your such an idiot Chris. here's what I said a while ago " Let us know the history of the word, then let us use it freely scoffing at the stupidity of the past." Also suggesting that I say we should follow comedians is stupid. I was merely highlighting the fact that many comedians do shows in which the audience is a mixture of races and they all know the comedian is going to freely joke about stereotypes and other ignortant "schemas." Do you think the audience is more racially charged after the comedian changes the use of these ignorant slurs to fodder that fools use instead of skeletons we are afraid to talk about like a missing hand. The best way to disarm the situation is get it out, let it be known, and get on with it. I choose not to stagnate in the past. Quit choosing to be affended when I tell you what I think a good way to deal with racism is. Feel free to be affended and lecture me when I am a racist. I don't choose to get affended or launch of on some heated debate when a innocent comment is made in the context of a joke quote. At least I didn't say something ignorant while being serious like wishing Brady suffers some horrible fate like being employed underneath a african-american, OR WORSE his wife. Your right Chris, it would distrupt the world if an african-american was Brady's boss like that is some impossibility or that it will make a difference. No, even better, an african-american women. OH HORRERS, we know it would be very denegrating to be employed by a woman. What an ignorant response.
I love the "you're an idiot" and "ignorant" posts. First off, who's the one that looks like an "idiot" or "ignorant" with the grammar you use. In no way am I suggesting anything, I just don't understand where/how you can get off calling me those things when your posts look like a first draft from a sixth-grader.
Now, onto the more important stuff. Who cares when/how comedians use that word? I don't care at all Blake. I don't like to judge what I should/should not say/not say based off of what the world thinks/does. There are things in life that should be LET GO and never touched again, and words with such a horrible connotation/history go in there.
And finally, how dare you tell me what to/not to get offended (notice the "o" that offended is spelled with) at. You have no right to tell me what makes me uncomfortable with or what I feel inappropriate.
Now go ahead, blast me and talk about what kind of person I am instead of trying to understand my message itself. Don't worry about what I say, instead just worry about getting mad, disagreeing, then throwing a few insults in there to appease to your anger and frustration about not giving my words a chance.
Once again you commie skank you are an idiot. Your not right about my opinion you kannigit. then you trivilize my post because of spelling, who cares you look like an idiot man. Good arguement on the point at hand. It's funny that you sit there and talk about how I blast your character when you talk about my "terrible grammer, oooohhhhh it's terrrrrrible" like it matters. And when you say "instead of giving my words a chance" you are the biggest HIPPO-CRIT ever. Your opinion is always numero uno even when deciding trivial things like what a rational fan is. The point in arguing with you is that you go nowhere, you just want to be right? Am I wrong in that?
LOL, you guys, just drop the argument. Blake has his views, Chris has his. Are you two trying to persuade the other to think in your way? It's never going to happen. You both make stupid remarks, and could bash each other forever, but what's the point in that?
Please tell me that by your "HIPPO-CRIT" you were purposefully mis-spelling the word just to spite me and not making an (unsuccessful) attempt to correct my spelling, because otherwise that is just amazing. And I did not question your character, just your editing skills. I'll let the content speak for itself, but the grammar just gets really really annoying when it looks like you really don't care at all how to spell words correctly or use any punctuation. This is not an attack on your personally, but just a way of letting you know your arguments lack merit when half the words aren't even spelled correctly.
And finally, this is absolutely laughable, you really show me what kind of person you are when you straight up attempt to rip me personally yet again just because you think you have the right answers to everything in the world. It's funny how you tell me I'm impossible to argue with because I am narrow-minded and think I am always right; I had to re-read that section because it sounded like you were perfectly describing yourself (only you left out that your arguments are usually abstract and/or circular and thus do not make much/any sense).
And I don't even know what a "kannigit" is. At all. Not a clue. Enlighten me. And when you write "Am I wrong in that?" what exactly are you referring to. You did not state anything other than my ignorance and being intolerant.
And why run Democrat? I'm the one that fully supports Republican ideals and conservative way of thinking. You are the one (see "My take on the President's remarks") that is not fully backing all the GOP is doing.
And finally, how dare you say "exactly, thanks Brady" to his comment that was directed at BOTH OF US. I don't get how you sit here and make futile attempts to destroy my character, making little or no argument (and even less that is actually valid), then you have the audacity to sit here and attempt to side with Brady (who's against BOTH of us) and call me out like that.
What do you mean, I'm sick of argueing with you, My attack on you has been that you are being high-minded and heavy-handed and are acting like your opinion needs to become my opinion too. I never attacked your opinion you ninny-muggin. All right, fart face, this whole thing post right now is about the Brady post, I'll quit responding to your ignorance.
Wow Brady - he's quite the refined type no? I long for the day when he'll be working UNDER that african-american. No, even better: he'll be working under thay guy's WIFE!
This Brady guy sounds like an ass!
Just a little rough around the edges. He'll have two years to be sanded on down, no worries.
Jeez Blake, make me sound like an a**. hehe. No, what really happened was everytime he killed me he called me a nigga, and I don't even think he is black. That's why I said that, but ah well.
At least he's a bigot w/ morals.
If someone calls you a f***s***b****d*** liar, can you say it because he called you that? Otherwise at no time should I ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever see you write/say anything more than "n."
And that guy lives on again....
Why rappers say it.
haha, true except for the piss part. I don't defend the use of it or use it myself, maybe sometimes when talking like a gay ignorant rapper.... the point is Brady doesn't take it serious when he says it, nor should he have to. Ebonics uses the word like its nothing, therefore they say it is and it is. nothing.
"Rappers say it." Rappers say a lot of things. People say a lot of things.
Just because one person does/says something does NOT mean anyone else can/should as well. That is the worst logic I've ever heard in my life.
Chris are you black? The point I was making is those black people who can reach us the most, entertainers, rappers, and comedians don't care if they say the "n" word! A large proportion of black people use the word. Enough that the sensitivity to the world has been dulled and if Brady wants to say it to a person who has said it to him, already proving the word does not affend the person, then he can. I never made this an issue, I merely put up a quote. The issue would have been between Brady and the guy on HALO. Why is it your business to interject and prove your "moral" socio-political superiorority with your political correctness. Bravo Chris, bravo.
PS. Chris if your going to be stupid when you come to my blog follow the advice of thumper. Say something nice (I'd even accept nuetral) or say nothing at all.
That was a bit presumptuous of you to assume I was stating my "'moral' socio-political superiorority with [my] political correctness," wouldn't you say? I'm not quite sure if you realize this, but sensitivity of the word has not been dulled down. I would prefer if no one said it at all, but if African-American people wish to say it, people will understand they are not using it in a racist way (unless they're the black white-supremacist from Chapelle's Show). But because of the words cultural history, if someone of another ethnicity says it, there is still (warranted or unwarranted) a sense of racially-charged undertones/connotation that comes with it. Like it or not, that is the case. In a perfect world we would not have double standards, but we do, so it is still inappropriate to say it. And not only does it offend African-Americans, frankly it offends me as well. This goes beyond being politically correct Blake, this goes into being respectful and showing dignity to something with such a hateful past.
You can rest on the crutch of handing off the blame to me getting on my moral high-horse, but such is not the case. For I will be the first to tell you that I have much to work on and I strive to get better every single day, so for you to call me into question like that is greatly overstepping your boundaries.
And finally, I like how every time you disagree with me on here, on my blog, or in real life, if I state my argument or defend my position, I'm accused by you of being "stupid, ignorant, illogical" and many other negative traits. To me that says one thing: that you have no or very little defense/response to what I am trying to say, so instead you rely on taking (errant) shots at my persona.
Perhaps Thumper should heed his own advice.
And one final thing: if the N word is allowable to say by anyone these days, please explain to me why the University of Oklahoma now has a new baseball coach.
I thought that blogs were places to comment on posts and talk about things but "but such is not the case." The thing is Chris in many occassions have I been called racial names by minority's who then turn and complain if I turn back on them using recipricated deragatoury BS. If you take every single sentence someone says and anylyze it for PC, for references to racist statements there wouldn't be a day that would go by with us being perfect. The context of what Brady said on HALO was to a person who used the word himself. I know I have to reiterate that point. Brady then apologized for when he posted the word on the internet.
Another point. It is a word marked with hate. The sooner we dull that sword the better. The sooner we stop seperation and stop allowing people to be marked as this or that the better. The sword of racism is often ignorance. Let us know the history of the word, then let us use it freely scoffing at the stupidity of the past. Brady isn't a racist, don't take it out of context.
And sorry Chris, I did get defensive , but that wasn't after your offensive remarks. sorry.
We should never "dull down" the word, we should eliminate it. Much the same way as we should eliminate words of filth, there is just no room for them in our (or anyone else's) vocabulary.
Secondly, just because a minority calls you an ethnic slur doesn't make your use of the N word or any other word justified. I think those that used the racial comment on you are in the wrong as well and hope that they understand that such is unacceptable and should be eliminated from speech as well.
I know this "elimination" of the word is impossible, but why not do our part to at least try? I don't know what kind of conversations you have, but I find it odd when a day goes by and I DO have a conversation with a friend where racial statements exist.
And you never addressed the OU baseball situation.
And stop making this about Brady, this hasn't been about Brady for almost a week now. Brady's use of the word brought up its significance on a larger scale. When I called him a bigot OF COURSE I did it satirically (sarcastically if you will) to prove a certain point. I know what kind of person Brady is and know that he does not intend to be or come across in that way.
What you can't ignore the situation in which the comment was made. You say we should eliminate it and then you say it's impossible. It is possible to take the word though and make it mean nothing. There are a lot of people who work through racial problems by coming out and saying look this means nothing, it's only bigots who use the word wrongly and there retarded. Many comedians address crowds hitting on every race, one in the end say that by joking about our differences we can become more able to get past those negative untrue stereotypes. Quit being a lock-down it only highlights the situation and the word.
OU baseball? I don't follow sports very well Chris, I don't know the situation.
You know how the devil constantly works to make light of serious sacred good things. Perhaps if we made light of these idiotic racial slurs then they would not carry importance. Thats the way I choose to deal with it. No I don't use the word because people can be affended.
I say that ALTHOUGH it is impossible to eradicate its use, WE SHOULD STILL TRY. I mean this much in the same way in my stance on drugs, pornography, and other evils; I know that they will always be there, but why not do our part to try to rid oursleves of them anyway?
You don't "joke" about things that carry so much hate with them, but instead work to EDUCATE others on the hatefulness of the word and why one should never use it. A lack of education is often what leads to such hate in the first place.
I don't think we should use comedians to govern how/when we should use a word. They say a lot of things that are "funny" but quite inappropriate.
The OU baseball situation is this: their LEGENDARY and AWESOME head coach stepped down under pressure (i.e. would have been fired) last week after making racially insensitive remarks (off camera even) about African-Americans, namley his use of the N-word. And he wasn't even meaning the degrade the player in question (see for more information). More proof that the hatefulness of the word is not gone.
Finally, I will close by asking you how challenging us all to get better and get rid of such bad language in our vocabulary is going on "lock-down." For some reason I cannot see our Church, political, or business leaders ever using such speech because of its sensitivity.
I just can't understand why you would want to continue to say or use such things to "dull them down." Isn't what our Church leaders say Satan has done with other evils of the world; dumbing them down to the point where our sensitivity to the matter is all but eliminated and we don't even bat an eyelash at something which should be absolutely alarming us. Please try to justify to me how using the word MORE would help hate to go AWAY.
your such an idiot Chris. here's what I said a while ago " Let us know the history of the word, then let us use it freely scoffing at the stupidity of the past." Also suggesting that I say we should follow comedians is stupid. I was merely highlighting the fact that many comedians do shows in which the audience is a mixture of races and they all know the comedian is going to freely joke about stereotypes and other ignortant "schemas." Do you think the audience is more racially charged after the comedian changes the use of these ignorant slurs to fodder that fools use instead of skeletons we are afraid to talk about like a missing hand. The best way to disarm the situation is get it out, let it be known, and get on with it. I choose not to stagnate in the past. Quit choosing to be affended when I tell you what I think a good way to deal with racism is. Feel free to be affended and lecture me when I am a racist.
I don't choose to get affended or launch of on some heated debate when a innocent comment is made in the context of a joke quote.
At least I didn't say something ignorant while being serious like wishing Brady suffers some horrible fate like being employed underneath a african-american, OR WORSE his wife. Your right Chris, it would distrupt the world if an african-american was Brady's boss like that is some impossibility or that it will make a difference. No, even better, an african-american women. OH HORRERS, we know it would be very denegrating to be employed by a woman. What an ignorant response.
I love the "you're an idiot" and "ignorant" posts. First off, who's the one that looks like an "idiot" or "ignorant" with the grammar you use. In no way am I suggesting anything, I just don't understand where/how you can get off calling me those things when your posts look like a first draft from a sixth-grader.
Now, onto the more important stuff. Who cares when/how comedians use that word? I don't care at all Blake. I don't like to judge what I should/should not say/not say based off of what the world thinks/does. There are things in life that should be LET GO and never touched again, and words with such a horrible connotation/history go in there.
And finally, how dare you tell me what to/not to get offended (notice the "o" that offended is spelled with) at. You have no right to tell me what makes me uncomfortable with or what I feel inappropriate.
Now go ahead, blast me and talk about what kind of person I am instead of trying to understand my message itself. Don't worry about what I say, instead just worry about getting mad, disagreeing, then throwing a few insults in there to appease to your anger and frustration about not giving my words a chance.
But please, just hit the spell checker next time.
Once again you commie skank you are an idiot. Your not right about my opinion you kannigit. then you trivilize my post because of spelling, who cares you look like an idiot man. Good arguement on the point at hand. It's funny that you sit there and talk about how I blast your character when you talk about my "terrible grammer, oooohhhhh it's terrrrrrible" like it matters. And when you say "instead of giving my words a chance" you are the biggest HIPPO-CRIT ever. Your opinion is always numero uno even when deciding trivial things like what a rational fan is. The point in arguing with you is that you go nowhere, you just want to be right?
Am I wrong in that?
PS if you ever run for politics make sure you run democrat.
LOL, you guys, just drop the argument. Blake has his views, Chris has his. Are you two trying to persuade the other to think in your way? It's never going to happen. You both make stupid remarks, and could bash each other forever, but what's the point in that?
excatly, thanks Brady.
Please tell me that by your "HIPPO-CRIT" you were purposefully mis-spelling the word just to spite me and not making an (unsuccessful) attempt to correct my spelling, because otherwise that is just amazing. And I did not question your character, just your editing skills. I'll let the content speak for itself, but the grammar just gets really really annoying when it looks like you really don't care at all how to spell words correctly or use any punctuation. This is not an attack on your personally, but just a way of letting you know your arguments lack merit when half the words aren't even spelled correctly.
And finally, this is absolutely laughable, you really show me what kind of person you are when you straight up attempt to rip me personally yet again just because you think you have the right answers to everything in the world. It's funny how you tell me I'm impossible to argue with because I am narrow-minded and think I am always right; I had to re-read that section because it sounded like you were perfectly describing yourself (only you left out that your arguments are usually abstract and/or circular and thus do not make much/any sense).
And I don't even know what a "kannigit" is. At all. Not a clue. Enlighten me. And when you write "Am I wrong in that?" what exactly are you referring to. You did not state anything other than my ignorance and being intolerant.
And why run Democrat? I'm the one that fully supports Republican ideals and conservative way of thinking. You are the one (see "My take on the President's remarks") that is not fully backing all the GOP is doing.
And finally, how dare you say "exactly, thanks Brady" to his comment that was directed at BOTH OF US. I don't get how you sit here and make futile attempts to destroy my character, making little or no argument (and even less that is actually valid), then you have the audacity to sit here and attempt to side with Brady (who's against BOTH of us) and call me out like that.
I'm just not sure how you roll Blake....
What do you mean, I'm sick of argueing with you, My attack on you has been that you are being high-minded and heavy-handed and are acting like your opinion needs to become my opinion too. I never attacked your opinion you ninny-muggin. All right, fart face, this whole thing post right now is about the Brady post, I'll quit responding to your ignorance.
yeah and if you don't like it...
Chris HAHA NO PUEDE THAT! IN YOUR FACE YOU COMMIE FARTFIGNEWTON! and uh hey, quit posting on my site, I'm sick of it.
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