Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Short Pencils

In Psychology the professor handed out course evalution sheets and had a stack of short pencils. Thats when it hit me! Short pencils are just recycled used eraser pencils. Nobody makes short pencils, thats where those pencils you don't know what happened to go to. You used up the eraser and you don't care what happens to it, so you just let it go. Then some one comes and takes your pencil, hacks off the eraser end, and makes a stubby little pencil. There are pencil collectors everywhere raiding school campuses in order to get more used eraser pencils to recycle. There sort of like those brown recycled paper we used to use in first grade, nobody like those either!

1 comment:

Chris Bernal said...

Haha - good to see you are now one among us "bloggers." Time will tell if you have what it takes to maintain your site with insightful, interesting, funny, and downright weird/crude/off the wall content that the true bloggers fill their little corner of the web with. More than anything, this is a nice little "online journal" no? If you want to see how the pros do it, check out http://clbernal.blogspot.com