Thursday, August 27, 2009

Another tryst with stilted talk and bore

Another tryst with stilted talk and bore,
You turn to talk, but I ignore.
What's more, my eyes begin to glaze,
another comma, some words, and then a phrase.
I pity your pithy lips, even though others praise.
I gaze into your throat, into the maze.
Maybe your brain has fallen down there, down a ways,
maybe that's why you speak of mayonnaise,
for 30 minutes......... no pause, no break.
So as you sneeze, this opportunity take!
"What think ye of Shakespeare, Chaucer, and Blake!"
"Oh your so cute when you talk smart Blakey-Blake"
This is the Chalice that others seek!
Easy to master, easy to teach.
You touch my nose, I wanna sneeze,
and blow some intellect in with the barren debris!
You turn to talk,
I walk away.
For someone else,
wrote a sonnet today.


Niki Thurber said...

I love this!! Did you just write this using my line or was it a poem you kinda had before?

pelegray said...

I just wrote it last night. I don't like to edit or change my poems so it is what it is

Niki Thurber said...

It's fabulous! You get 5 points for that one.