Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Unspinning the positive spin on Obama's tax words

Quote from a article praising Obama's new tax plans.

"Done right, they could raise revenue in a progressive manner without raising taxes."

How does that make sense? It only has two possible meanings.
1. Pure stupidity but classic Progressive banter. There no way to raise revenue (taxes received by Gov't) without raising taxes (Taxes paid by the people). Sounds great right? Like magic, right? Well it would be, but it sounds great and that is as far as idiots think.
2. Pure greasyness. Raise revenue in a progressive manner means what? A progressive manner means taking more from less and less from more. More taxes on the top. Though I know "without raising taxes" is an outright lie that sounds good, if total taxes paid doesn't change that means more unfair tax code that makes people making money pay more and people not paying money pay even less. Slick talk that sounds good but is more of the same class warfare rhetoric.

Oh P.S. Knowing this administration, wait until the real tax plan or changes are implemented or totally changed before taking any stock in what is said. This will either never happen and only serve as a campaign talking point, be severly watered down to push some other progressive idealogue, or happen fully tricked out with a bunch of other crap that is unpopular and we had no idea was going to happen.